Monday, May 30, 2011


Life has been hectic.

You've probably heard this story many times before but it doesn't make it any less true. From school, to work, to church, to friends, to boyfriend, to family, to medical issues--stress has woven itself throughout my daily life. I've been so caught up in the fast-paced mess, I've neglected my own interests. So many times, it's been easier to watch TV and just zonk out instead of taking the free time to have fun with my blog. Although doing something as mind-numbing as watching TV can be stress relieving, blogging is a different form that actually keeps your brain in gear. It's a distraction-per say-from the craziness around you. But, at the same time, it's more than that. It's an art form that gives a little piece of you to the world. It allows you to express who you are outside of your own closed-off social circle. It allows you to explore your own interests and the interests of others--share your ideas and discover new ideas from others---put yourself out in the world and encourage others that do the same.

Long story short, the next time I want to relieve some stress, I'll share my thoughts with you guys instead---whether on fashion or life.

Thanks for sticking with my sporadic blogging :)


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Fashion is who you are not who the world wants you to be.